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Benzene is found in crude oil and is a
major part of gasoline. It&aposs used to make plastics, resins, synthetic
fibers, rubber lubricants, dyes, detergents, drugs and pesticides. Benzene is produced naturally by volcanoes and forest fires. ... Most benzene in the environment comes from our use of petroleum products.
Benzene is one of the most important organic compounds with the chemical formula C6H6. Benzene is the parent compound of the various aromatic compound.
Benzene is the simplest organic, aromatic hydrocarbon. Benzene is one of the elementary petrochemicals and a natural constituent of crude oil. It has a gasoline-like odour and is a colourless liquid. Benzene is highly toxic and carcinogenic in nature. It is primarily used in the production of polystyrene.
The structure of benzene has been of interest since its discovery. Benzene is a cyclic hydrocarbon (chemical formula: C6H6), i.e., each carbon atom in benzene is arranged in a six-membered ring and is bonded to only one hydrogen atom. According to molecular orbital theory, benzene ring involves the formation of three delocalized π – orbitals spanning all six carbon atoms, while the valence bond theory describes two stable resonance structures for the ring.
Benzene is used in various industrial processes such as in the manufacture of lubricants, plastics, rubbers, dyes, synthetic fibres, etc. However, it has non-industrial uses too which are limited due to the reason benzene is toxic and carcinogenic. The different uses of Benzene are mentioned below.